Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hair today, gone tomorrow!

Yes, I've finally plucked up the courage to shave my hair off. Well actually Debbie done it, but you know what I mean. I got feed up trying to cover up my reseeding hair line so
buzzzzz...all gone! As a reminder of my beautiful mop I thought I'd post a pick of me when it was nice and long. I will post a pick of how I look now asap (please no references to Shrek, Grant or fights with a lawnmower lol).


G said...

you should of posted the pic of when it was really long and you had that lovely perm!!;)

Jonny Moore-Crispin said...

Yes Rich I'd like to see the perm! Looking forarwd to seeing the pic with you with no hair!....also pleased to see that my kitchen features in the pic!

Richard's Blogg said...

Just for a laugh I'll see if I can find a of me with really long straight hair. Perm? ;).

Top points for Jonny for spotting his kitchen.

Jonny Moore-Crispin said...

So when are we gonna see the pic?