Monday, October 09, 2006

Quote of the month

"Oh God no, I couldn't stand it! I'd go mad or sane. I don't know which." - Rosaleen Norton 1952
(When asked whether she ever considered leading an ordinary life)


kaileen said...

ha ha!

Richard's Blogg said...

K, sorry I missed you on Saturday, I went so see Layla (mates baby) and couldn't drag myself away. I think I'm getting broody. Ahh!

Richard's Blogg said...

Oh, did I mention she (Rosaleen Norton) was Australian!

kaileen said...

That's okay Richard!! Bless, you and Debs(miss you too Debbiexx) are going to make wonderful parents one day! (can't wait!!) First there's the wedding to look forward to, hey!! see you soon x

Debbie said...

Kaileen you are such a sweetie, miss you too.

Richard's Blogg said...

Ah that's nice, gush.